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An attractive small deciduous tree producing year round colour of dark purple leaves in spring and then turning tones of reds in summer and autumn.Growth size: 3m w x up to 4m h Positioning: Part sun to shade Temperament: Not tolerant to exposed areas or hot winds Perfect for: Fea..
Ex Tax:$200.00
A beautiful Japanese maple with green foliage in spring which turns to bright shades of orange and yellow in autumn. Positioning: Part shade/afternoon shade Size: 6mh x 5mw Perfect for: Feature tree, Shade tree  Height approximates in pots for this variety:400mm - 1.4m tall 75L ..
Ex Tax:$200.00
The most popular Japanese Maple which can vary in size, shape and leaf colour due to being grown from seed but makes a beautiful small tree with radiant shades deep orange and crimson. Size: 4m h x 4m w Positioning: Part shade Perfect for: Feature tree, small shade tree, small backyard..
Ex Tax:$200.00
A beautiful structured tree with mid to dark green foliage changing to bursting shades of red autum colour.   Size: Approx 11m h x 7m w Positioning: Best in full sun but also part shade Perfect for: Feature tree, Shade tree, Large properties  Height Approximat..
Ex Tax:$200.00
An upright Maple with dark pink/red foliage turning into shades of crimson, orange and red. Positioning: Full sun to part shade Size: 12m h x 9m w Temperament: Frost tolerant, coastal tolerant Perfect for: Feature tree, Shade tree, large properties, drivewaysHeight Approximates for this ..
Ex Tax:$200.00
This beautiful maple tree has a lovely structure with rich green leaves and changing to a striking red in the autumn.     Growth Size: 13m h x 10m w Temperament: Cold conditions, low level of drought Perfect for: Shade tree, feature tree, lining a driveway, medium to ..
Ex Tax:$200.00
The Acmena Minor Lilly Pilly is an Australian Native Lilly Pilly which is smaller leafed and bushier with bronze new growth.  It produces the usual white flowers in summer and edible berries   Growth size: 3-5m h x 2 wSpacing: Plant these every 80cm apart for a faster forming he..
Ex Tax:$145.00
Acmena smithii Sublime is a Lilly Pilly variety that forms a thick and compact screen with luscious lime green foliage which changes to mid green leaves with maturity. It produces white flowers in Summer. It rarely produces berries. Pest & Disease Resistant to Pysllid and highly myrtl..
Ex Tax:$180.00
A larger and taller growing Lilly Pilly perfect for tall hedging and screening. Spacing: Plant these every 80cm-1m apart for a faster forming hedge or further apart for a slower forming hedge.Growth size: 8-10 h x 6 wTemperament: Is moderately drought tolerant once established and will ..
Ex Tax:$150.00
A popular tall palm taking to the likes of tropical and sub tropical parts of Australia. **PLEASE NOTE the prices on these are different for State to State.  Please email us with your enquiry and location so we can give you an accurate price. Size: Up to 20m h x 3-5m w Posi..
Ex Tax:$0.00
The Lemon Myrtle is a small Australian Native tree that produces highly aromatic lemon scented leaves that is released when the leaves are crushed, together with fluffy creamy/ white flowers. Growth size: 5m h x 3m wPositioning: Full sun to part shade.Temperament: Doesn't handle ..
Ex Tax:$200.00
Showing 1 to 12 of 60 (5 Pages)